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Why you should go fishing for Cod on the River Mersey this Winter

Why you should go fishing for Cod on the River Mersey this Winter

It's officially December and here at Taskers Angling we can't believe how quickly this year has gone. While many people will be busy buying gifts and setting up their Christmas trees we know that a lot of keen Anglers will be wanting to get out by the water even in the cold. One place very local to us you can do this is the River Mersey, in particular Cod is very common which is why we recommend that you try your hand at it. 

The River Mersey is a great place for winter Cod Fishing. Indeed Cod can be found and caught all over the UK but the Mersey is known as a hotspot for this discipline of fishing. In terms of how long Cod tends to be common in the Mersey they mostly arrive in October and leave around the middle of February, as we are in December it means we are right in the middle of this period! 

Otterspool Prom- River Mersey Mark – Taskers Angling

You do not have to be on a boat to do this either, the nature of the Mersey makes it ideal for shore Anglers too with Cod being caught as far down as the Otterspool promenade. Another benefit of fishing on the Mersey is that you can Angle on either side, whether that be Liverpool or the Wirral. There is a difference though on how difficult or easy it is to fish on each side depending on the tide. During lower height tides the Liverpool side can fish well or easier but tidal pull makes it tougher. On the Wirral side though big tides are better to fish on. 

In terms of which bait is best to use on when Winter Cod fishing the general feel is cocktails are best used. Examples of what these could be include Bluey or Mackerel and lug, squid and lug. Lug worm, Rag worm or squid wraps. The best spots on the Mersey that can be tried out include Otterspool, as mentioned earlier and the Town Hall Steps at Wallasey. 

It is also best to mention that you should wrap up warm. The River Mersey can at times be brutal in terms of cold winds and freezing temperatures particularly at this time of year. It is definitely best to fish when you are warm and comfortable, we stock a lot of great clothes that should help to keep you warm so do go and have a look at those.  

We would encourage you all to try your hand at catching cod on the Mersey this winter as it could prove a highly rewarding experience for you! If you have any questions about what products may be best suited then please visit our Liverpool store or give us a call on 01512606015.


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